Give Now

Thank you for sharing your gifts as we seek to radiate God's grace, equipping all people to change the world. We are very grateful for every gift, regardless of size.
You have several options for making donations:


You can give online by using a credit card or your bank account. You can also set up a schedule of automatic payments.

Cash or Check

You can bring your cash or a check on Sunday mornings and place it in the offering plate.

You can also mail checks to the church office:
815 Wilmot Rd
Deerfield, IL 60015

Stocks and Annuities

We welcome your gifts of stocks, annuities, or IRA distributions. Please contact our Treasurer to schedule these gifts.


Remembering St. Gregory’s in your estate is a lasting legacy of your commitment to our ministries and mission.

Please download and return this form to let us know if you have included us in your will.