Safety in Church
We are committed to providing a safe church for all of God’s children. We have a comprehensive policy and practices for preventing any form of abuse in our community.
Policy Highlights
all employees undergo criminal background and reference checks
all employees and lay leaders, including those who work directly with children and youth, undergo an intensive abuse prevention training
all children’s activities occur in visually accessible areas of the building
no adult is permitted to be alone with a child or youth without supervision
Reporting Abuse, Neglect, or Exploitation
Any adult who has reason to suspect that abuse, neglect, or exploitation of children or youth has taken place, is strongly encouraged — and all mandated reporters are required — to contact the state’s Child Protective Services.
Department of Children & Family Services (DCFS)
24-hour Child Abuse Hotline: 1-800-252-2873
Online Child Abuse Neglect Reporting system: dcfsonlinereporting.dcfs.illinois.gov
In addition, anyone who has reason to suspect that abuse, neglect, or exploitation of children or youth has taken place within this congregation should contact the clergy person in charge or, if unavailable, one of the wardens. Clergy Person in Charge: Rev. Dan Puchalla
Any suspicion of violations by a member of the clergy should additionally be reported to the Diocesan Intake Officer: Rev. Tim Murray: 847-828-4175