Prayground Chapel

As Jesus did, we welcome children of all ages as integral members of the Body of Christ, and we welcome the sounds and activity that accompany their worship. We believe that being in church helps kids learn how to pray, listen, and sing, while they strengthen their relationship with God. We provide a special space in our worship space called the Prayground, where children aren’t expect to sit still but to wiggle and engage their hands and minds in different activities as they worship among us.

Learn more about the Prayground and tips for supporting your children during worship at St. Gregory’s.

Blessed Little Adventures

Kindergarten to 5th Grade Classroom

We invite all children in Kindergarten to 5th grade on a weekly adventure through the stories of God and God’s people.

Time & Schedule

Sunday mornings, 10:30-11:30.

We take breaks for school holidays and the summer.

Each session is self-contained — kids can come as often as they are able and not “fall behind.”

Full Schedule for Fall 2024

While Parents Wait

We offer engaging, relevant, and intelligent Adult classes that meets at the same time as Blessed Little Adventures, so parents are freed up to pursue their own journey of lifelong spiritual growth while the children pursue theirs.

Your Time,
Your Choice

If you have only one hour available on Sundays, you are empowered to bring your child to Blessed Little Adventures at 10:30, even if you don’t come to worship.

There is no pressure to attend both worship and spiritual growth classes. 

What Happens at Blessed Little Adventures?

Each Sunday, we invite the children into the adventure of one of the passages of scripture we read in worship that day. The children engage in a creative activity related to the passage, which forms a space for wondering and discussing together the meaning of the story.

Click here for more details.

Join Whenever

Children are invited to join Blessed Little Adventures at any time during the school year. All we ask is that you fill out a registration form before your child’s first class.

Register here.

Our Values for Children & Youth

  • We assume every child is already on their journey of lifelong spiritual growth. So, we take seriously the relationship they already have with their Creator and the big questions they already have about life.

  • We seek to empower parents/guardians to be their child’s primary guide during this stage of their lifelong spiritual growth. 

  • No matter what else we do, we give every child relationships with adults who are compassionate to them and who show interest in them and in their future.

  • We commit to inviting, welcoming, and including all young people, celebrating the diversity of their identities and of their families.

  • We create opportunities for kids to serve and to grow in all areas of St. Gregory’s ministries – not just in the classroom.