Storm on the Sea

June 23, 2024 | The Rev. Max Smith

Our Gospel this week: Jesus calms the sea. A story very well-known and often depicted in paintings. Rembrandt’s painting, The Storm on the Sea of Galilee is perhaps the most famous, but numerous other Masters have painted the scene as well.

For me this story has always seemed odd because four of the disciples were fishermen. They probably had grandfathers, fathers, uncles, and brothers who were fishermen too — people of the sea. They would have had a great sense of the winds and the sea and been acutely aware of the changes and dangers. How could they have been so unaware such a storm was coming?

I think the story must mean something other than the traditional ideas about terror and the power of faith to save us. What’s odd too is that the disciples awaken Jesus with outrage. Don’t you care?? We are perishing here in this boat in the storm! It doesn’t seem the right attitude to use when in need of help. They almost sound bad tempered, petulant. I would expect them to cajole, plead, implore, beg for help. Join us Sunday to consider why Mark 4:35-41 might be up to more than it seems.


Beleaguered by Belief