Miracle of the Overwhelmed

July 28, 2024 | Rev. Dan Puchalla, Priest-in-Charge

Part of being your priest means learning the culture of this part of Chicagoland. One of the things I’ve learned is that we swim in a culture that values overachieving. Does it seem accurate to say that many adults and children seem constantly driven to do more and to be better? And that cultural drive doesn't hit everyone equally. Now, the desire to stretch ourselves is a good thing. But I think such constant, anxious pressure is a recipe for being overwhelmed and collapsing into a puddle of exhaustion.

This Sunday’s miracle story is about the disciples being absolutely overwhelmed by the work: “How can we feed so many who are hungry?” What’s Jesus’ answer to this overwhelming problem? Just sit back and relax.


Believe in Me?


St. Francis of Assisi