Filling Up on Bread

August 18, 2024 | Rev. Dan Puchalla, Priest-in-Charge

If you’ve noticed that the Gospel readings have been talking a lot about bread lately, you’re not crazy. It’s a quirk of the lectionary that, every three years, we get a bunch of John passages at the end of summer about Jesus as the bread of life. This Sunday, all this bread talk starts getting … well, kind of gross. “Those who eat my flesh and drink my blood abide in me, and I in them.” Is this just a reference to Communion? Or is there something more, something that gets at what Communion is even supposed to be about. What are we doing when we eat this decidedly unfilling piece of bread? Perhaps, rather than filling us up like the bread that the world gives, this Living Bread is supposed to leave us even hungrier.


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Arrogance of the Saved