LoriLee Sadler Bielski

LoriLee and her husband Art have been members of St. Gregory’s since 2000. LoriLee has served the parish in a variety of ways over the years: choir member, search committee co-chair, visioning and strategic plan facilitator, discernment committee co-chair, and in 2024, vestry member.

LoriLee holds advanced degrees in cognitive science and music, and leverages her work in these areas both at church and with outside organizations. She is a managing partner at a management consulting firm, having recently sold the digital marketing agency she and Art built over a period of 20 years.

LoriLee is a classically-trained singer and professional bassoonist. She plays in several regional orchestras and occasionally you can hear her accompany the wonderful St. Gregory’s choir.

Art and LoriLee raised their two nearly-grown kids at St. Gregory’s and live in Lake Forest.